How do I select all transparent components?

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How do I select all transparent components?

Unread post by Dwight »

We have person on the team who likes to make assembly components transparent and leave them that way for check in. Our assembly is too large and too deep to cruise the Transparency column in the FeatureManager pull-out. I'd like a way to select them all and shut off the transparency. A macro would do.

This reminds me, it would be nice to have something like the num-pad asterisk that expands the feature tree to show all the components, but something that does not steal a half hour of my life while it expands the feature tree of every component.


by MattW » Mon May 23, 2022 1:49 pm
Select All-> and then Change Transparency. My limited testing shows that this will set everything to Transparent or not.

Before finding out that that would work, I set up an Advanced Select (at the bottom of the list above)
you have to save the name of the search. Go to the Manage Searches tab and add to favorites
And now it will appear at the bottom of the selections

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Re: How do I select all transparent components?

Unread post by AlexB »

In the top-right search bar, type in "Select Hidden" and click that. It sounds like it does what you want. I'm not sure of the actual location in the menu since "Show command location" isn't working for me on this one.
image.png (4.56 KiB) Viewed 2159 times
Edit: I should add, I'm on 2021 SP5.1 if that matters
Found the location in the Tools menu
Ignore me, I read "transparent" has "hidden", see Matt's response below
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Re: How do I select all transparent components?

Unread post by MattW »

Select All-> and then Change Transparency. My limited testing shows that this will set everything to Transparent or not.

Before finding out that that would work, I set up an Advanced Select (at the bottom of the list above)
you have to save the name of the search. Go to the Manage Searches tab and add to favorites
And now it will appear at the bottom of the selections

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Re: How do I select all transparent components?

Unread post by Dwight »


Thanks, that was a thorough answer. Your first method - turn everything transparent then flip them all to opaque - works fine and takes less time than I thought it might. If I do want to actually select those items, the second method works well (I also learned things about Advanced Search that I hadn't tried before).

It seems odd you can edit a saved Advanced Search search but you can't save that edit because the search name is already used. I had to delete it and save again. Or maybe I missed something.

Thanks again.

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