How to make a assembly show as a part on a BOM

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How to make a assembly show as a part on a BOM

Unread post by TTevolve »

Is it possible to have a assembly show as a single item on top level BOM?

My issue is I have some hinges that are made as an assembly so I can move the leafs and show the movement of the door opening and closing to make sure there are no clearance issues. The issue I have is when I do a BOM on my door assembly I want to list the parts, but when I do this I get the 2 leaves and the hinge to show up. If I do top level the show up as 1 part, but then I have to do something else to show the parts on other assemblies.
by DavidWS » Sun Dec 03, 2023 2:32 am
In the configuratiion properties of the assembly, you can choose to hide the child components of the assembly:
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Re: How to make a assembly show as a part on a BOM

Unread post by SPerman »


Josh answered my question, but I was too dense to pick up on it.
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Re: How to make a assembly show as a part on a BOM

Unread post by JSculley »

From what you've written, it's not clear what you have or what you are trying to do.

It sounds like you have an assembly model of a hinge. Let's call it HINGE.SLDASM. And this assembly is composed of two part files: one for each half of the hinge. Let's call them LEAF-A.SLDPRT and LEAF-B.SLDPRT. The assembly is placed inside another assembly, which we will call DOOR.SLDASM

If I create a 'Top-level only' BOM, the hinge assembly shows up as a single item: HINGE
If I create a 'Parts only' BOM, the hinge assembly shows up as a two items: LEAF-A and LEAF-B

You said:
when I do a BOM on my door assembly

What kind of BOM (Top level, parts only or indented)?
I want to list the parts, but when I do this I get the 2 leaves and the hinge to show up
Are you saying there are three lines in the BOM for your hinge? The only way this can happen is if you have a top level only BOM and you have inserted HINGE.SLDASM and LEAF-A.SLDPRT and LEAF-B.SLDPRT in your top assembly. And I can't think of a reason why you would do that. Can you provide more details on exactly what your assembly structure is and what kind of BOM you are using and what you expect to appear on your BOM?
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Re: How to make a assembly show as a part on a BOM

Unread post by DavidWS »

In the configuratiion properties of the assembly, you can choose to hide the child components of the assembly:
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Re: How to make a assembly show as a part on a BOM

Unread post by TTevolve »

My issue was if I showed the BOM as Top level only I would not be able to see sub assembly parts on anything, if I did indented or parts only I would see the leafs on the hinge even though it is a single part in our system (the brought hinge comes assembled, but I needed it as a sub assembly to be able to show the motion). What DavidWS posted above soled the issue, now I can show the BOM indented and not have the extra parts on those show up. Thanks!
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