How to hide a sketch Plane?

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How to hide a sketch Plane?

Unread post by Tera »

I've added a 3D Sketch.
While editing the 3D Sketch, I've add a sketch plane.
When I exit the 3D sketch, the Sketch Plane is visible.
Is there anyway to hide this plane?

I need to keep 3D sketch visible. Only hiding the Sketch plane within 3D.

by josh » Mon Jul 29, 2024 10:08 am
It’s not possible to hide an internal 3D sketch plane. The plane is some sort of sketch entity, not an actual reference plane object/feature. Because it’s a sketch entity, you cannot individually hide it. This is the same as any other sketch entity (line, arc, etc). No type of sketch entity can be hidden independently from the entire sketch.

You have two options:
1. Create a regular ol’ reference plane outside the 3D sketch. You can then select it to sketch on inside the 3D sketch by selecting the plane and right-clicking, and choose “3D Sketch On Plane”.

2. If you must create the plane inside a 3D sketch for some reason, you can create the 3D sketch plane inside a separate 3D sketch. You can then hide/show this sketch. Again, in order to sketch on this plane in a different 3D sketch, you need to right-click on the plane and choose “3D Sketch On Plane”.
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Re: How to hide a sketch Plane?

Unread post by Dwight »

Hide it in the feature tree.

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Re: How to hide a sketch Plane?

Unread post by josh »

It’s not possible to hide an internal 3D sketch plane. The plane is some sort of sketch entity, not an actual reference plane object/feature. Because it’s a sketch entity, you cannot individually hide it. This is the same as any other sketch entity (line, arc, etc). No type of sketch entity can be hidden independently from the entire sketch.

You have two options:
1. Create a regular ol’ reference plane outside the 3D sketch. You can then select it to sketch on inside the 3D sketch by selecting the plane and right-clicking, and choose “3D Sketch On Plane”.

2. If you must create the plane inside a 3D sketch for some reason, you can create the 3D sketch plane inside a separate 3D sketch. You can then hide/show this sketch. Again, in order to sketch on this plane in a different 3D sketch, you need to right-click on the plane and choose “3D Sketch On Plane”.
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Re: How to hide a sketch Plane?

Unread post by Tera »

@josh Thanks for the advice. I think I will go with your second suggestion.

Million thanks again.
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