benchmarking drawings with API

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benchmarking drawings with API

Unread post by mp3-250 »

I would like to see the impact of updating our components and correcting topology errors on imported geometries over our drawings. I am thinking about a reliable way to measure the SW operation time.

I have some sample assembly data and I would like to make a simple drawing with the 3 main views, isometric, and cut a section all automatic. And take the time.

I am already doing it for the 3d data measuring the loading time, but I have quite a wide fluctuation of the measured opening time even with all the necessary data cached locally from pdm and the SW pdm addin disabled before loading the components and starting the timer.

If I open 6 times a file it could take 62 or 72 seconds to load. I close SW after every loading test.
Seems quite a big difference to me.
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