Watercooler Talk

For things you would put in a kitty dump.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Hey how did the popcorn guy get there?
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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I just read the article @matt posted on his blog: https://dezignstuff.com/is-a-data-addic ... ly-useful/. I agree that quite a bit of the information and data being gathered isn't used to anyone's advantage, or just leads people to make the wrong decisions. For one example, when listening to Pandora I occasionally get ads in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish, but I have a Johnny Rodriguez station, and have done the thumbs up on a few Freddy Fender songs. I assume some algorithm somewhere says "if he likes Johnny Rodriguez and Freddy Fender he probably speaks Spanish".
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Glenn Schroeder wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:04 pm I just read the article @matt posted on his blog: https://dezignstuff.com/is-a-data-addic ... ly-useful/. I agree that quite a bit of the information and data being gathered isn't used to anyone's advantage, or just leads people to make the wrong decisions. For one example, when listening to Pandora I occasionally get ads in Spanish. I don't speak Spanish, but I have a Johnny Rodriguez station, and have done the thumbs up on a few Freddy Fender songs. I assume some algorithm somewhere says "if he likes Johnny Rodriguez and Freddy Fender he probably speaks Spanish".
That is an extremely interesting subject to read and discuss about, thanks for the share.

Without dwelving too deep into the subject, data collection is something we rely upon around here a lot in order to determine a GO/NO-GO decision. As Matt adresses in his article, you can collect all sort of data, some are useful, some are useless, some cause confusion, some do not pertain to specific subjects, etc.. What's important, is defining what you have, what you need and what you expect, and then extrapoling whatever correlative data that comes out of these and make it as least subjective as possible. Keeping things simple is not always easy.

Which, somewhat reminds me of an old meme
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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There is never too much data.
There is always not enough.

How many times you measure something you need to model and don't have enough dimension?
Never measure just enough. Always get a few more so you can double check other measurements.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Glenn Schroeder wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:16 am Ask again in February when you're shoveling snow and I'm in short sleeves.
Thanks Glenn. Glad you've got my back!
Turns out it hit where my Dad lives pretty hard. Luckily the house is up is on a hill and hasn't flooded since we moved there in 1980. Though he says that this was worse than the 95 flood, I'm not sure if it was worse than the 83 or 84 flood that I remember (that's where they set all the elevations for flood insurance where everyone was SOL 8/16)...Of course there's all the development to consider and it's hard to tell anything over time because we keep blocking pathways off of the water...But the important takeaway that I liked to point out in the old forum is that we should always PANIC! PANIC! PANIC!...
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Glenn Schroeder wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 8:16 am Ask again in February when you're shoveling snow and I'm in short sleeves.
Well, we had 39 F this morning. But hey, I'll take that any day over 95 degrees with 90% humidity. =)

My pet saying for a conversation like this: You can always put more clothes on, but you can only take a certain amount off.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Quebec got hit by a bunch of Tornadoes yesterday, thankfully the nearest to me was about 50 miles away.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:43 am Well, we had 39 F this morning. But hey, I'll take that any day over 95 degrees with 90% humidity. =)

My pet saying for a conversation like this: You can always put more clothes on, but you can only take a certain amount off.
There you go, Mike, stripping down to the bare essentials of the issue.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Hello all! A couple of you have messaged me over the last month or so asking about why I am not on the forum so much (thank you for checking in!!), so I figured I would post here explaining:

My life has changed significantly in the last year, which has kept me away for a bit.

My wife divorced me and it was final last July, and I fought for, and received 50% custody of our 3 children. So, 50% of the time, I am a single dad now. So, I made a deal with my boss that I could work short hours the weeks I have the kids, and make up the hours on the weeks I don't have the kids. This has left very little time for the forums. I try to jump on when I can, but it is isn't like it used to be.

Anyway, I am doing ok, and life is slowly getting back to whatever "normal" is supposed to be.

So, TL/DR: My priorities have changed....
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:43 am Well, we had 39 F this morning. But hey, I'll take that any day over 95 degrees with 90% humidity. =)

My pet saying for a conversation like this: You can always put more clothes on, but you can only take a certain amount off.
I still tell people that who want to raise the thermostat setting here at work. I tell them, it is better to see you in a sweater, than to see me in a tank top.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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dpihlaja wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 8:21 am Hello all! A couple of you have messaged me over the last month or so asking about why I am not on the forum so much (thank you for checking in!!), so I figured I would post here explaining:

My life has changed significantly in the last year, which has kept me away for a bit.

My wife divorced me and it was final last July, and I fought for, and received 50% custody of our 3 children. So, 50% of the time, I am a single dad now. So, I made a deal with my boss that I could work short hours the weeks I have the kids, and make up the hours on the weeks I don't have the kids. This has left very little time for the forums. I try to jump on when I can, but it is isn't like it used to be.

Anyway, I am doing ok, and life is slowly getting back to whatever "normal" is supposed to be.

So, TL/DR: My priorities have changed....
I didn't like the post because I thought it kind of sucked that you got divorced, but I'm glad to hear that you got 50% custody. The schedule will settle down in place eventually and you will figure out a way to fit things accordingly, wish you the best Dan!
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Frederick_Law wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 11:34 am I think they're asking a lots for a entry level drafter.
They knocked 98% of the population out of the running by asking for "Critical Thinking Skills" ;;
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 22, 2021 7:43 am Well, we had 39 F this morning. But hey, I'll take that any day over 95 degrees with 90% humidity. =)

My pet saying for a conversation like this: You can always put more clothes on, but you can only take a certain amount off.
...before someone calls the cops.

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Take a look at this

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Roasted By John wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:18 am Take a look at this

You sunk it? Into the SwYmP?
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Roasted By John wrote: Thu Jun 24, 2021 11:18 am Take a look at this

I need to admit, this website is really well built
I am not able to see the webcam view because it is disconnected (maybe?) but it look and feel really nice to navigate around the website...

And I personally like how they do the map for live location, it is pretty rare for me to see a map for black themed webpage :D
Edit: It seem like the ship is stopped at the moment https://www.maritime-executive.com/arti ... rch-vessel
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Wow, that's some amazing woodworking skills right there!

Just came back from a 4 day weekend where I went to pick up my brother in Montreal so he could come visit our parents and family. The rest of the weekend was rather casual, as I'm still having pains from my 3 displaced vertebraes. Things are slowly coming back though, so that's the good news on that!

Hope everyone has a great week.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Crazy, with a chainsaw.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

Unread post by Ömür Tokman »

Hi @Roasted By John
I wonder,
Does this hat have a religious meaning?
I usually see this hat in religious people (older generation).
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:56 am Hi @Roasted By John
I wonder,
Does this hat have a religious meaning?
I usually see this hat in religious people (older generation).
haha @Ömür, that just hides a severe pointed head that is bald. JK
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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jayar wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 4:51 am haha @Ömür, that just hides a severe pointed head that is bald. JK
Ha Ha Ha. @jayar Maybe not now, but in the near future I'll have to buy one too then.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:38 am Ha Ha Ha. @jayar Maybe not now, but in the near future I'll have to buy one too then.
Naw @Ömür Tokman you are just getting too tall for your hair - stop growing!
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:56 am Hi @Roasted By John
I wonder,
Does this hat have a religious meaning?
I usually see this hat in religious people (older generation).
hey @Roasted By John i am curious about you answer.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 5:38 am Ha Ha Ha. @jayar Maybe not now, but in the near future I'll have to buy one too then.
Did you ever hear the saying, "Grass doesn't grow on a busy highway"? (Referring to the lack of hair on a busy head.) :D
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:23 am Did you ever hear the saying, "Grass doesn't grow on a busy highway"? (Referring to the lack of hair on a busy head.) :D
To tell people This is the answer I've been looking for for years!
I love you my friend.
I knew my brain was working too hard and leaving no energy in my hair, but I couldn't put it into words. ><
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 3:56 am Hi @Roasted By John
I wonder,
Does this hat have a religious meaning?
I usually see this hat in religious people (older generation).
The picture looks like someone Amish. But if John is Amish, does that mean his CAD tools are:
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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mike miller wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 7:23 am Did you ever hear the saying, "Grass doesn't grow on a busy highway"? (Referring to the lack of hair on a busy head.) :D
Careful which analogy you use there; grass doesn't grow on concrete either.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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jcapriotti wrote: Tue Jun 29, 2021 6:31 pm The picture looks like someone Amish. But if John is Amish, does that mean his CAD tools are:

I watched a documentary about them, people who deserve a lot of respect for me.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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jayar wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 12:02 am Careful which analogy you use there; grass doesn't grow on concrete either.
hey man i'm not bald i just have a hair combing disability, that's all.
Please be respectful to the disabled. :mrgreen:
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 4:33 am hey man i'm not bald i just have a hair combing disability, that's all.
Please be respectful to the disabled. :mrgreen:
I once joined a friend's very large family for their thanksgiving (holiday) dinner. Most of the older men were bald, and I was mostly bald back in my 30's. I value their wizened perspective. They complimented me, saying "I like the way you part your hair."
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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My new work voicemail...

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Roasted By John wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:20 pm My new work voicemail...


One of my favorites:

"Hello, you've reached Mike. Thank you for your call. Messages will be deleted in the order they were received."

And another one:


[ten second pause]

[Meanwhile, the caller thinks you just picked up and begins rattling away]

"Please leave a message." BEEP!

[Now the poor caller is so flustered he forgets what he was going to say.]

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Received this from one of the SOLIDWORKS VAR in my country...

Any one interested? :lol:
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Zhen-Wei Tee wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 10:57 pm Received this from one of the SOLIDWORKS VAR in my country...

Any one interested? :lol:
..my initial reaction...
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Roasted By John wrote: Wed Jun 30, 2021 1:20 pm My new work voicemail...

When I leave a job I like to set my email auto reply to "So long and thanks for all the fish!"
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Glenn Schroeder wrote: Mon Jun 21, 2021 2:04 pm I just read the article @matt posted on his blog: https://dezignstuff.com/is-a-data-addic ... ly-useful/. I agree .......
Hi Glenn thank you for sharing

I could talk about this article, but I should have spoken the whole thing because every word was true.
Nowadays, because people prefer to be desired rather than themselves, what they type and click is only for their desires.
The right people have always been few in number, less today and less tomorrow.

Knowledge (merit); is what I lost. I'll take it no matter who has it or wherever it is.

Hey @matt I can't love it as much as your mother, but I read the whole article. :)
This tactic will come in handy when I'm writing for the forum.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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[ten second pause]

[Meanwhile, the caller thinks you just picked up and begins rattling away]

"Please leave a message." BEEP!

[Now the poor caller is so flustered he forgets what he was going to say.]


I got in some serious trouble with that one, but I guess I carried it away a bit more...

My message was....

"Hello, hello, HELLO, this stupid phone, hello, can you hear me?, hello and then the phone did the Beeeep."

Where I got in trouble was with 3 of my sister-in-laws and... My Wife - The one was trying to make plans for getting together for a day and it ended up that they all wanted to call my wife, they thought it was me on the phone and actually hung up before the beep, so the plans were thwarted for that day, but later my wife called one of her sisters and then they asked, "what's wrong with your phone", lesson learned, don't interfere with the plans of 4 ladies, for sure. Yeah I had to remove it with an official "Cease And Desist Order"
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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July 4th Weekend is our "Black Friday" - we basically smashed the Martin's Roast A Pig's all time record, in orders. Our 22 orders bested 18 from about 5 years ago, we actually had a total of 24 pigs go through our facility last week. I needed to clean grills so we could send them right back out.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Roasted By John wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 3:52 pm July 4th Weekend is our "Black Friday" - we basically smashed the Martin's Roast A Pig's all time record, in orders. Our 22 orders bested 18 from about 5 years ago, we actually had a total of 24 pigs go through our facility last week. I needed to clean grills so we could send them right back out.
Hey John,

How about some info on that World Record? UU
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Longest wood

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Re: Watercooler Talk

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I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. -Douglas Adams
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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I'm a little excited to share with you guys a little video of a new innovation a few of my co-workers have developped.

It's a trailer made to carry crushed cars. Truck drivers always had long time injuries from the endless strapping and unstrapping, swinging of the strap across and back. This adresses so many needs, you can hear the excitement in our client's voice upon demonstrating the trailer. There's even competitors of our client that took flights from across the country to come and see the trailer with their own eyes!

It's always fun to hear these types of comments.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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AlexLachance wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 4:41 pm I'm a little excited to share with you guys a little video of a new innovation a few of my co-workers have developped.
It's a trailer made to carry crushed cars. Truck drivers always had long time injuries from the endless strapping and unstrapping, swinging of the strap across and back. This adresses so many needs, you can hear the excitement in our client's voice upon demonstrating the trailer. There's even competitors of our client that took flights from across the country to come and see the trailer with their own eyes!

It's always fun to hear these types of comments.
I was wondering what kind of application it normally carries and I came across something like this.
As far as I understand, his friends' method is healthier and more aesthetic.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Ömür Tokman wrote: Sat Jul 10, 2021 7:34 am I was wondering what kind of application it normally carries and I came across something like this.
As far as I understand, his friends' method is healthier and more aesthetic.
For the most part, it is generally something similar to this(This is our old model on the picture, but competitors for the most part did something very similar)
There's a side with a netting that you can open, but with this, it requires the driver to strap his entire load, do the strap swinging and all. People would end up getting long-term injuries. With the new model, the trailer straps itself as it closes. You just need to strap the "pac-man" door down.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

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Is this tongue-in-cheek? :lol:
2021-07-12 12_18_19.jpg

I'm scared to post in it because I'm afraid @matt hooked it up to an auto-account-nuker.
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Re: Watercooler Talk

Unread post by matt »

mike miller wrote: Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:27 pm Is this tongue-in-cheek? :lol:

2021-07-12 12_18_19.jpg

I'm scared to post in it because I'm afraid @matt hooked it up to an auto-account-nuker.
Well, a little bit, but it's maybe cynically honest is the way I look at it. That's exactly what students come to professional forums for, so why not just call it like it is?? It's not bait. I'm not going to turn anyone in to the teachers union.
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Glenn Schroeder
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Re: Watercooler Talk

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »

matt wrote: Mon Jul 12, 2021 12:49 pm Well, a little bit, but it's maybe cynically honest is the way I look at it. That's exactly what students come to professional forums for, so why not just call it like it is?? It's not bait. I'm not going to turn anyone in to the teachers union.
There were some at the old forum that genuinely wanted help learning, but sadly they were in the minority . . . or maybe the ones that did want help were just more memorable. I don't think I'll ever forget the one who asked for help designing a phone holder for a car, and said after getting the initial design from someone he'd improve on it.
"On the days when I keep my gratitude higher than my expectations, well, I have really good days."

Ray Wylie Hubbard in his song "Mother Blues"
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