How to build a macro to automatically array teeth

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How to build a macro to automatically array teeth

Unread post by cd123333 »

Hello there,

I'm trying to use Macros to automatically array teeth of the same size on a closed body surface which is already given. How can I do this in SW 2020?

My current ideas are:

Idea 1. Using slicing tool to get many reference planes and intersecting lines with the basic body, then sketch the teeth on each layer (costs too much time, how to use macros to automate?), at last pattern the teeth by the curve-driven pattern tool along the intersecting lines which were generated by the slicing tool.

Idea 2. Design a standard tooth as a template first and then select an initial point on each reference plane, then pattern/insert it on the intersecting line (not sure if this is automatically feasible).

I would like to hear your views on whether this problem can be solved by the simple idea 1. If so, what is the general process using macros?

I really appreciate it if someone can help me. Thank you! tu
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Re: How to build a macro to automatically array teeth

Unread post by SPerman »

See if anything in here is helpful.

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be. -Douglas Adams
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