Server Upgrade Update

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Server Upgrade Update

Unread post by matt »

I've talked to my web hosting company, and it turns out that upgrading to a virtual private server will cut the available storage space by 75% (so we'll have 25% of the storage space we currently have). The problem is that we're coming close to maxing out the space we currently have, so having less space is not really an option. Even the highest VPS option they have only has 50% of the space we need. I have another call in to see if there's some way we can get more storage. It would be unfortunate to pay more and get less space as part of the deal.

I'll have to go through the server and see how much data can be removed, but we're talking about a difference of almost 200 gb.
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Re: Server Upgrade Update

Unread post by jcapriotti »

The jokes thread is probably 90% of the
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