multi sheet drawing weld table

David Matula
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multi sheet drawing weld table

Unread post by David Matula »

I have been working on a multi sheet drawing doing weld callouts for the assembly.

I was looking into doing a weld table but could not move it off the sheet that it was created on.

I was also looking for all the welds for all of the sheets in one complete table.

Does anyone have any tips on how I could do this with out copying a lot of stuff to an excel file?
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Re: multi sheet drawing weld table

Unread post by mattpeneguy »

I haven't tried this for a Weld Table, but it should work:
Right Click on a row and Split it:
Then just drag the table to the sheet (click to play video):
David Matula
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Re: multi sheet drawing weld table

Unread post by David Matula »

Thanks Mat.
I was really looking for one complete table for the multi sheet drawing.
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