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Saving out bodies to an assembly

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 7:41 am
by temo
Hello again

So I'm trying to save out the bodies from a part file to an assembly, but when I browse for the file location and click save, I get this error message that doesn't make any sense.

My Solidworks version 2021 is installed at default location on the c:drive. I've tried different locations on different drives, but get the same message. I've looked into default file locations in solidworks settings, but can't find any who refer to the location on the error message.

When I look at the menu for Save bodies I see there is no option for override template settings for assembly, just for parts, but in the help menu it shows that you can override both parts and assemblies location.

Any tips on how to get by this, so I can save the file?

Re: Saving out bodies to an assembly

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 10:50 am
by DanPihlaja
My guess is that you are trying to use filenames that are already used as names for items in the tree.

Here is an experiment.....try adding an _1 to the filenames of the bodies that you are trying to save out.
image.png (55.14 KiB) Viewed 859 times

Re: Saving out bodies to an assembly

Posted: Fri May 13, 2022 11:22 am
by temo

I'm not sure the reason for the problem, but I did auto assign names to start with so I don't think so. If you see the tread I link to it seems to be a widely spred issue, I hope I've solved it now.

So by this lead here: and https://r1132100503382-eu1-3dswym.3dexp ... 3oUKgXQAuA I manage to resolve the issu after a cople of hours trying.

Basically save out the three parts without using the assembly option, then open each part separately, then do a save as on the part overwriting its name. Go back again and do a new "save bodies" command, give new names to the three parts and the final location you want for your new assembly and name the assembly.

As you also can see now the feature has the missing link to the file location for the assembly template location. Hopefully next time it will work without any kinks.