PDM Users list sorting

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John Fair
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PDM Users list sorting

Unread post by John Fair »

Hope this is the right place to ask, but I'm trying to figure out what controls how users are sorted in the users list in the PDM admin tool. We have one vault that is sorted Last.First, but others sorted First.Last. i've tried googling and searching this forum unsuccessfully. Does anyone know how to change users list sorting?
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Re: PDM Users list sorting

Unread post by jcapriotti »

Looks like it depends on the "users" settings. If you right click "Users" and select settings, on the "Explorer" tab there is an option "Show full user names".

Unchecked: User list sorted by login name
Checked: User list sorts by last name
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Re: PDM Users list sorting

Unread post by VicFrauenfeld »

We use Active Directory groups for our user list. When we started with PDM, our IT department had users listed by "First Last" in Active Directory. Doing it this way entered the users into the PDM user list "Full name" cell as "First Last". This way, the list, sorted by the second name (the last name).

Then IT changed the way they now enter users in the Active Directory groups to now be "Last, First". So now when I add a new user, it enters the name in the user list "Full name" cell as "Last, First". This new way, the list, still sorted by the second name (which now is the first name).
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