PDM Suddenly Won't Load Add-In

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PDM Suddenly Won't Load Add-In

Unread post by JSculley »

I'm getting this error when I try to load an add-in in Debug Mode:
Similiar message when trying to load it as a normal add-in:
I know I've seen and solved this problem before, but I cannot remember how. The code itself is good. An add-in built with it has been installed and running for years on our real vault. This problem occurs with a test vault.

Anyone remember the fix for this?
by JSculley » Wed May 03, 2023 3:17 pm
I created a new add-in per the steps in the API guide and it loaded with no issues. I copied the code from the non-working add-in to the working add-in and it loaded fine. So this tells me it is something broken with the Visual Studio project or more likely something with the GUID of the old add-in. So I searched the registry keys for the GUID and deleted any found entries. After that, the add-in loaded.
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Re: PDM Suddenly Won't Load Add-In

Unread post by AlexB »

Can you wrap the code in your GetAddInInfo function with a Try Catch block?

This can happen if there's an unhandled exception within that function since it's called when an add-in is loaded.

For example, I forced an error by converting a string to an int that was definitely too big for an int type. The error changed from "Please select a dll implementing the IEdmAddin5 interface" to below.
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Re: PDM Suddenly Won't Load Add-In

Unread post by JSculley »

I created a new add-in per the steps in the API guide and it loaded with no issues. I copied the code from the non-working add-in to the working add-in and it loaded fine. So this tells me it is something broken with the Visual Studio project or more likely something with the GUID of the old add-in. So I searched the registry keys for the GUID and deleted any found entries. After that, the add-in loaded.
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