Plasticity Help

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Plasticity Help

Unread post by RexRon70 »

I´m trying out Plasticity and I have run into problem that I can´t seem to figure out.
I am trying to make a 3d logo and I have used curves to create the edges of the logo.

When using a circle or rectangel it automaticly creates a face but I cant seem to do that on my shape.
Here´s an image that hopefully explains it. Can anyone please help me?


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Re: Plasticity Help

Unread post by matt »

I'm not familiar with the details of how that program works, but you have a doubly closed profile. If you can't select regions to extrude, then just extrude the outer shape first, then subtract the inner shapes. You might have to delete some sketch loops, or put them in a different sketch or layer, or delete and re-import them later... lots of options for how different CAD tools work. You might also want to check the profiles for gaps. A tiny gap in the outline can bork the whole operation.

Also be aware that the sketches as they are will create multiple bodies. I'm not sure how your program deals with that. You might have to put down some base body and build your other extrusions on top of that so that everything joins into a single body.
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Re: Plasticity Help

Unread post by RexRon70 »

Thank you for your reply. I get a warning that theres a gap but I cant find it. Ill try some more and post my progress.
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Re: Plasticity Help

Unread post by RexRon70 »

I did what you said and it worked. I allso had som other problems with overlapping vertecies and such which didn´t help.
Anyway I now have another issue.

I´m trying to join faces but when i select them and hit the join command I get an error message.


Any ideas?

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Re: Plasticity Help

Unread post by ryan-feeley »

RexRon70 wrote: Thu Aug 10, 2023 10:25 am I´m trying to join faces but when i select them and hit the join command I get an error message.
Is it necessary for your design that those faces be joined? You effectively want to reparametrize three faces as a one face, with a single underlying mathematical UV definition. I don't think the parasolid kernel that Plasticity uses can just "do that" automatically. Plasticity likely needs to so some of the work on the front end before it hands things off to the kernel.

I suggest you DM the developer and see if what you are attempting is supposed to work, and if so, what the limitations might be.
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Re: Plasticity Help

Unread post by RexRon70 »

I actually wanted to join all the faces allong that edge but I brobably don´t need to. Just put the arrows there as an example. I´m new to this and thought it may be easier dawn the line to combine as much as possible. I admit that I have a long way to go in understanding 3D modeling.

Anyway. Thanks for your reply.
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Re: Plasticity Help

Unread post by ryan-feeley »

RexRon70 wrote: Fri Aug 11, 2023 12:04 pm I´m new to this and thought it may be easier dawn the line to combine as much as possible.
Good luck in your journey! 3D modeling is a lot of fun, but it has its quirks.

Most of the time little lines like that are no problem at all. If you are going to machine, 3d print, or render something, a curved free-form surface will be broken up into little triangles down the road anyway.

Sometimes it is better to have more faces broken up by edges, provided the faces come together smoothly. That way the math for one face can be simple (say planar, or a smoothly varying cylinder that is just defined by a radius, while the math for another adjacent face can be more exotic, and use splines internally. So more faces allows the software to reserve the more complicated description only where it's needed. Which helps, since such surfaces are slower for the computer, and often more fragile if you need to adjust them.
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