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How do I set serial number and rename files with PDM check in?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2023 11:50 am
by PCObelcz
I would like to force a new serial number to files that are brought in (drag and drop using windows) to a PDM folder. I setup the serial number so this works from SolidWorks using save as. But when I drop files into a PDM folder and check it in the existing file name is preserved. I can check the file out in SolidWorks and do a save as and a new serial number is assigned to the file.
How can I get this to work from the PDM explorer window?
Does this require a PDM add-in?

Re: How do I set serial number and rename files with PDM check in?

Posted: Sat Sep 30, 2023 5:50 am
by andrmollo

I have the serial number as a field in the data-card, then I use a dispatch script to rename the file(s) based on the field value. It required an extra-step, but I didn’t find a better solution. Maybe someone else could…