save a sheet metal part as a .dwg there is a prefix "flat pattern" that shows up all the time

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save a sheet metal part as a .dwg there is a prefix "flat pattern" that shows up all the time

Unread post by velko.nestorovski »

When I save a sheet metal part as a .dwg there is a prefix "flat pattern" that shows up all the time? Is there a way to remove this? Just time consuming to remove every time.
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Re: save a sheet metal part as a .dwg there is a prefix "flat pattern" that shows up all the time

Unread post by jcapriotti »

OOTB no. You might try a macro.....then you could have it name the file whatever you want.

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Re: save a sheet metal part as a .dwg there is a prefix "flat pattern" that shows up all the time

Unread post by TTevolve »

Create a drawing with the flat pattern view and save that as your DWG file. You can delete all the title block so your DWG file will only have the flat view and bend lines/notes
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