Exploded view creation behavior weirdness

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Exploded view creation behavior weirdness

Unread post by RMcHugh »

Hello all,

I've observed a new behavior that's bothering me.
Solidworks 2022 sp5, making exploded views.

I'll select a few parts to move, grab the appropriate yellow axis arrow, and drag the parts out, adjust the dimension to a nice round number because I'm that guy. Rinse and repeat as necessary.

When I edit a step, any part that I add will cause the group to jump out along a different axis. This new axis/direction is related to that latest part added.

I've tried initially selecting one of the "permanent" primary axes we have added at the top of our assembly tree, (and template), to no avail. My workaround is to un-select the part I used to create the direction, then re-select it and recreate the original direction.

I don't remember SWX behaving this way, ever.
Am I wrong and just forgetting?
It hasn't been that long since I've made exploded views. Just a few months.

Is there a setting I'm missing to check/uncheck?

Thanks for taking a look,

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Re: Exploded view creation behavior weirdness

Unread post by Glenn Schroeder »


That sounds like one of those weird behaviors that's indicating it's time to re-boot your computer (a full re-boot, not just closing and opening SW).
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Re: Exploded view creation behavior weirdness

Unread post by RMcHugh »

Thanks, Glen, I'll have to schedule that.
Unfortunately I work from home in NH and remote in to a computer in GA and don't have complete control. Not ideal, but it is what it is for now.

I was just about to re-create my assembly template to see if that was the culprit.
I verified that it was still misbehaving, created a new exploded view, played with the chain method a bit and then went back to edit the first explode view's steps. It began behaving properly.

I think you're right, a reboot is in order.

Thanks for your help,

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