Hole error message

Solid Edge, Synchronous Technology, Convergent Technology, and Siemens!
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Hole error message

Unread post by philem »

Hi Guys, need a little help again,

Am new to S E and am designing a small part, just a wooden block 350mm long x 75mm wide x 50 deep, I want to put some holes in, but, everytime I hit the hole icon this error message pops up, what is it ? and , how do I stop it ?

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Re: Hole error message

Unread post by KennyG »

@philem Guessing you are the same poster that posted this same topic on the Solid Edge Community forum and got this answered/resolved there.

Synopsis, using Libre Office instead of MS Office so had to perform a workaround to make that work, and installed to a non-default drive so SE was pointing to a non-existent location for the DB file which is an Excel file.
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