Circular Pattern Error?

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Circular Pattern Error?

Unread post by Ballfreak10 »

Hi all,

In the attached part file, I'm trying to make a circular pattern of "X_Seed" about "Pattern Axis". I'm getting the attached image as an error when I try...this is particularly confusing, because wouldn't the plane that the axis is normal to have to be perpendicular to the sketch plane of the extrusion, just based on how circular patterns work...?

All help is appreciated :)!

Thanks in advance,

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by Uncle_Hairball » Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:15 pm
I was able to create the feature and pattern without error. I did, however, have to create the feature as a separate body and pattern the body. When creating the extrusion with the Merge Result box checked, I get errors, but they are different from what you are seeing.
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Re: Circular Pattern Error?

Unread post by Uncle_Hairball »

I was able to create the feature and pattern without error. I did, however, have to create the feature as a separate body and pattern the body. When creating the extrusion with the Merge Result box checked, I get errors, but they are different from what you are seeing.
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Re: Circular Pattern Error?

Unread post by Jaylin Hochstetler »

Uncle_Hairball wrote: Thu Jul 08, 2021 12:15 pm I was able to create the feature and pattern without error. I did, however, have to create the feature as a separate body and pattern the body. When creating the extrusion with the Merge Result box checked, I get errors, but they are different from what you are seeing.
Same thing on my end.

Attached is how I would have modeled it. Take a look at and see what you can learn from.
Always, always, if possible, keep the part centered on the origin. This way you can use the primary planes for mirroring and you can put your axis (construction line) for the circular pattern on one of the primary planes straight up from the origin. BTW you don't need to use an axis for a cir. pat., you can use a construction line.
Edit: Attached .SLDPRT
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Re: Circular Pattern Error?

Unread post by matt »

There are easier ways of doing this. For example, pattern the rod and the X_seed at the same time.

To get this to work, I had to remove some sketch relations in your X-Seed sketch that went to the bodies created by the Rods_Pattern feature. Then I could reorder the sketch before the pattern, roll back before the pattern, make the X extrusion, and add it to the rods pattern.
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